The Arctic Pacific Divide is quite an interesting point that most travellers pass by without even knowing its significance. The Tanzilla river runs right alongside the Cassiar Highway, and though it is beautiful, it is also geographically significant, because it is the last river in Canada to run westward into the Pacific Ocean. From Dease River north, all of the water runs towards the Arctic Ocean. A quick stop to enjoy the importance of the location we are at, then we were on the road northbound.
Crossing the Yukon border is always a treat, and marks another milestone in our Arctic Expedition. As well, crossing the Yukon border meant the need for some Yukon fishing licenses, because I was preparing for a couple days of exceptional Pike fishing. I have fished Little Atlin Lake before, and had great success, so it was the perfect lake to choose to take out Simon and Loui, and get them into their first Pike.
Similar to myself, Simon has also had some difficulty fishing on his channel, but today it didn't take us long. Within the first thirty minutes, both Simon and Loui had a fish in the boat, and the rest of the day was dedicated to having fun. We caught one fish after the next, shared laughs and stories, and finished our day with a wonderful feast together. Go check out some other adventure content from Simon and from Loui.
Foresty Forest: https://www.youtube.com/@UCofJu853kJKpkg4y5a-9YXg
Adventure Time Loui: https://www.youtube.com/@UCE1bXUxyru4AGrzl118Jb4Q
Watching Emi get into so many fish, crab and shrimp this season has been so exciting. These are opportunities she has not been able to experience in her life before, and the excitement is absolutely contagious. In previous seasons I have targeted these fish with the fly rod, and it has been an absolute blast. I have gotten into a few that were difficult to fit into the net, but the fish Emi was pulling into the boat were a breed all their own. I know that Pike can get to be very large, but to see one after the next, too big to even keep, is a treat that you dont get to experience in many places.
I suppose when it comes to Pike fishing, the only thing better than non stop monster pike action, is some delicious Pike soup. I have made this soup once before, and I remember thinking how good it was and that I must have just gotten lucky with the spices, but on the second round, it is obvious that the flavour is coming from the fish. If you have an opportunity to try this soup, I highly recommend it.
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